7-day meditation challenge

A free meditation challenge for mental fitness.

7-day challenge

Guided meditations to bring more balance, energy and calm into your life.

Do you…. 

  • Find it hard to find balance

  • Feel mentally or physically tired

  • Have negative or repeated thoughts about yourself

  • Get lost in thoughts - worrying about the past or the imaginary future?


Do you want to…

  • Slow down and be more aware of the present moment

  • Have tools to unwind and recharge

  • More present, self-aware and in control of your thoughts and emotions

  • Take control and have a better work-life balance

  • Take time for you to take care of your mind and body

Your inner calming guide.

Sick of feeling tired, stressed and having no time for yourself?

If you’re curious to try meditation but don’t know where to start - we’ve got you! Join us for a short and sweet meditation challenge.

Bite-sized consistent meditation is an easy way to gain more balance, energy and calm in your life.

Years ago I didn't know where to start and I found it hard to find meditations that I liked. When I found short, meditations and practised them consistently - I could sleep better, was less reactive to situations, gained energy and increased my flow of ideas.

This 7-day challenge on our OH app will guide you through simple meditations to get you started on your journey.

5-14 minute meditations… less than 1% of your day.

Meditation helps to…

improves mood, calmness, contentment and overall well-being

enhances your immune system, increases blood flow and regulates the heart rate

Reduces reactivity, anxiety and racing thoughts

increase mental clarity, energy, productivity and flow of ideas

become more self-aware of emotions and inner chatter

Ella Sidey

Mindfulness Guide

Hello beautiful human, 

It's fair to say we live in a pretty face pace world. We're always go, go, go and often don't take time to slow down and tune in to ourselves. 

We all want to see progress and be moving forward, but unless we take time to enjoy what we have achieved, develop self-awareness and prioritise our passions and well-being - we can feel unfulfilled and exhausted. 

I support ambitious people to take control of their work-life balance so that they can live a calm, confident and fulfilled life. 

I'm here to support you to create a toolbox of skills so that you can live to your full potential. Our 7-day meditation challenge will give you an insight into the power of calming your mind and body.

On the agenda

  • We will get you set up for the week - support if you are out of your comfort zone and tips for beginners.

  • Explore mindfulness, how you can be more mindful throughout your day and the benefits of meditation for your health and well-being.

  • We have a range of mindfulness meditations for you to explore - walking meditation, body scan (muscle relaxation), eating meditation, kindness meditation and morning mindset.

  • You will have full access to our OH app and all future updates. We have a app chat so you can message me if you have any questions or would like support.

7-Day Challenge
