1-1 Mindfulness Guide

Discover bite-size mindfulness tools to support you and your holistic well-being

One hour session

You deserve this time to destress, find calm and balance with simple daily mindfulness practices specific to your own holistic well-being.

Find balance

Do you…. 

  • Feel tired when you wake up in the morning?

  • Feel stressed or overwhelmed?

  • Find it hard to calm your racing mind?

  • Get lost in thoughts - worrying about the past or the imaginary future?

  • Struggle to find time for yourself each day or daily routines that make you feel good?


Do you want to feel…

  • More in control of your thoughts and emotions?

  • Like you have more balance in life and prioritise time for yourself?

  • Motivated and energised throughout your day or when you wake up in the morning

  • Calm and able to enjoy the ‘here and now’

  • More confident, positive and grateful

Bite-sized Mindfulness

You are the director, the creator of your life - you have the power to embark on a new journey of transformation by implementing bite-size mindfulness daily. These are short, powerful tools that you can easily implement throughout your day.

You have the power to create change. The power to shift your thoughts to where you want them to be, to grow self-awareness, enjoy the present moment, grow your inner calm and have more time for the things that spark joy in your life.

If you want to see something different, you need to do something different. So are you ready to take control and create change? I'm here to help you take that next step to live a more calm and balanced life.

Mindfulness Guide

Ella Sidey


It's fair to say we live in a pretty face pace world. We're always go, go, go and often don't take time to slow down and tune in to ourselves. 

We all want to see progress and be moving forward, but unless we take time to enjoy what we have achieved, develop self-awareness and prioritise our passions and well-being - we can feel unfulfilled and exhausted. 

I support people to take care of their work-life balance so that they can live a calm, balanced and fulfilled life. 

I'm here to support you to create a toolbox of skills that will enable you to slow your mind down.

After losing my brother over 10 years ago, I have been building my own toolbox of skills that I use every day to find balance, calm, energise, gain confidence and tune in to myself and what I want in life. I'm proud to say that I feel in control, have balance in life, aligned with my purpose and so fulfilled on my journey - and I want that for you! 

On the agenda

  • We will explore tools that you can use in the morning, throughout your day or at night as you wind down for sleep.

    These tools include meditation, journaling and breathing techniques.

    They take no longer than 2 - 15 minutes, that is less than 1% of your day!

  • Discover a range of breathing techniques to calm your mind and body.

  • We will create three goals and small actionable steps to get more aligned with the most ideal version of you.

  • I offer ongoing support if you would like daily or weekly check-ins from me. We all know how valuable it is to have someone to hold you actionable and be there for you on your journey!


You can fill in our form to book a one-hour call with me. This can be a one-off call or you can choose to book regularly.

How long is this for?

When you book on our Calendly booking system, you will be sent an email confirmation and if you need to reschedule you can simply follow the link.

What if I need to change the time?

This one-hour call includes a recording that will be sent to you to refer back to. The investment in your beautiful self is $80. This can be paid in full on our booking form, or get in touch with me for a payment plan of 2x $40 or 4x $20.

Optional: This also includes 1-1 messaging accountability and support with check-ins for one week or ongoing if you choose to re-book.

How much does it cost?

Your investment will gift you with…

Energy, motivation and clarity on your goals

Simple tools to calm your mind and body

Actionable steps to get you closer to your ideal version of yourself.

A toolbox of skills that allows you to be more present on your journey.

Confidence and certainty as you move forward through your life.

Join me - you so deserve it!

Secure your spot for a mindfulness deep dive with me. Payment plans available. 


If you have any questions or something is holding you back, book a call or email hello@ellasidey.com